A good day with Hester

hester oerlemans and students

"A GOOD DAY WITH HESTER is an experiment, a challenging and absurd idea which is exactly what I am curious about."

These are the words with which Oerlemans concludes her text for the publication we made.

It is true what she writes. An experiment that began as an idea, a small plan, which was ultimately carried out. As collectors, we went to visit Oerlemans' students at ArtEZ.

Our goal was to select a work from each student that would become part of the experiment that Hester calls challenging and absurd. The plan in which the works we selected are temporarily on show in the exhibition Fixing Air by Hester Oerlemans at DE.GROEN collection. Something like that is actually 'not done'. You don't do that; you don't mess up a balanced exhibition. But doing something that is "not done" attracts you, so you are going to do it. Not only Oerlemans is sensitive to this, but also so are we, and definitely Oerlemans students

Hester Oerlemans Artist/ tutor Bear (ArtEZ) 

STUDENTS:  Wija de Boer, Lynn Broertjes, Irene Donatini, Dante van Elburg, Heidi Fitri, Tico Geurtzen, Þuri∂ur Hannesdotir, Paul Heusinkveld,  Hankyul Jeong, Jelle van Kuilenburg, Levi Overvest, Zora Sel, Ro Smit

Please don't mess up a ballanced exhibition!
A good day with Hester